Web Links

Backgammon Clubs

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Web Link Federation Francaise de Backgammon

French Backgammon Federation, mainly active in Paris, but with affiliate clubs all over the country.

Web Link Maale Adumim Backgammon Club (Israel)

The goal of Maale Adumim club is to welcome new players in Israel and from abroad to enjoy backgammon several times a week, all year long. Located just out of Jerusalem, it is the first official backgammon club in which Matvey "Falafel" Natanzon, one of the top players in the world will also be present, if not travelling.

Web Link Danish Backgammon Federation

The biggest backgammon federation worldwide and the organizers and backers of the biggest tournament in the world, the "Nordic Open" which takes place every year during Easter.

Web Link US Backgammon Federation

The USBGF is the national federation for backgammon in the USA and dedicated topromote and rejuvenate the game. Bill Riles is the current President and their magazine "PrimeTime" is not to be missed.

Web Link Japanese Backgammon League

The Japanese Backgammon League gathers the best players of Japan and is very active, also in bringing young players into the game and with lessons by top player, world champions and backgammon Giant Mayasuki "Mochy" Mochizuki.