The World Backgammon Association (WBA) was founded in 2001 in Beverly Hills / California by Chiva K. Tafazzoli and operates from its Headquarters in Malta. World Backgammon Association is dedicated to the game of Backgammon and has become the leading authority of the game.
WBA not only has close personal contact to the best players in the world, but also provides with an excellent network within the backgammon circuit and related medias.
We love the Game
Events & News

Mallorca Orange Blossom Tournament 2025
New dates: The tournament has been moved to May 2025, from 13th to 18th, during the orange blosso...
General Rules updated - January 2024
Breaks are now added to the time bank of each player when a clock is in use. Clocks are NOT to be stopped during the breaks and the time will be ru...
WBA is now BMAB Partner
Recording is allowed. Matches of the players wanting to be rated and ranked for BMAB will be accepted as such in accordance with the ...
New Pipcounting Method Released

One die is rolled by each player for the toss. The winner of the toss plays th...

The Chaos of the Dice - Falafel

Michi´s Tribute to Falafel

New World Record to be set in Istanbul

ChivaGammon - a new variation
It can be played with or without clocks with the regular time settings. It´s modern backgammon with cube played as a match to 5 poin...

World Backgammon Day - 21st March 2025
For over 10 years, we have been encouraging the backgammon community to celebrate the World Backgammon Day by gathering, playing, organizing tournaments and enjoyin...